Monday 8 July 2013

21/09/2013 Creating Scratch Game

. 21/09/2012 Creating Scratch Game 
B. Development work

First I found a picture that I would like to use for my scratch game, after this I opened up Adobe Flash and created an actionscript 3 document and I used the rectangle tool to fill up the project area and change the colour. I used the text tool to create a message on top of the rectangle saying " Have a scratch". I then locked layer one and created a new layer and then imported my image onto the layer and made it fit. I converted my image to a symbol and checked movie clip and gave it an instance name. I created a new layer called actions and added code to the first frame, after this I ran my scratch game to make sure it worked.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
I made this for my IMP to keep the audience interested and entertained.
D. Skills table reference number