Tuesday 19 November 2013

Adding sound to IMP 30/09/2013

A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date – Adding sound to IMP
B. Development work
 First I had to find the sound effect that I wanted to play throughout my IMP then once I found that I put it into the folder that had all of my IMP files, once it was in there I went to flash and added this code to my coding tab "var channel:SoundChannel
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("SubMenuMusic.mp3"));
channel = snd.play(1000,3);//1000 ms after start of sound, 3 times"
once I added this I ran my IMP to see if the music played and it worked properly.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
This fits in with the brief because it will help to make my IMP more entertaining for the target audience. With this feature of the IMP I was trying to meet part H of the client brief which was to have a front end which consists of sound effects, by adding music to the IMP I met this part of the client brief.
D. Skills table reference number 

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