Tuesday 19 November 2013

Adding Videos to IMP 21/06/2013

A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date – i.e. Adding Videos to IMP 21/06/2013
B. Development work
Once I had all of my SWF files I had to go to add a videos form to my IMP, I did this by getting a suitable picture to use as the background, once I did that I added it to my IMP. I then went on to common libraries then found the button that I wanted to use for the video I added it onto the form. I added this code to link the button to the video 

function loadFilm(evt:Event) 
{   channel.stop();  
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scene1.swf"); 
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); 
myLoader.x = 120 ;myLoader.y= 60 ; 
myLoader.load(urlReq); // passed to the ldr 
try { removeChildAt(4); }//One bigger than the number of forms, starts from 0 
catch (e:Error) { } 

addChild(myLoader);// display object container 
This code makes the film play when I press the button on my films form.
C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
This development will fit into the brief because it includes videos which were required in the brief. In this development to my IMP I was mainly working towards part D which was to have an IMP with video clips.Specify how and which part of the brief you were working towards/met. 
D. Skills table reference number 


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