Thursday 20 June 2013

Converting FLV to SWF

A.  20/06/2013 - Converting FLV to SWF 


B. Development work
First I opened Adobe Flash Proffesional CS6 and created an  Action Script 3.0 to create my SWF files. I imported one of my scenes from my scenes folder and chose a skin with button that would make it easy to view with handy controls, I then made it fit the dimentions of the project by using the free transform tool. I renamed the first layer to film and added a button to the layer by going on the window menu then common librarys and I selected a button. I changed the instance name of the button to btunloadfilm. I then added a new layer and named this layer code. I saved the project into the project folder so that i didn't get an error when doing the next step. I clicked on the actions tab of the first frame in the code layer and pasted in some code which would allow the button to work. After this I saved the project again then went into the publish settings unchecked HTML wrapper and published the scene.
C. How the development work will fit into the brief
This development will work to fit the brief as it will allow me to create the IMP for the target audience that consists of a front end with video clips. I have selected the E block to base my theme on. This fits into the brief because it allow me to create SWF files for my front end.
D. Skills table reference number 2,3,4,5

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