Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Adding Videos to IMP 21/06/2013

A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date – i.e. Adding Videos to IMP 21/06/2013
B. Development work
Once I had all of my SWF files I had to go to add a videos form to my IMP, I did this by getting a suitable picture to use as the background, once I did that I added it to my IMP. I then went on to common libraries then found the button that I wanted to use for the video I added it onto the form. I added this code to link the button to the video 

function loadFilm(evt:Event) 
{   channel.stop();  
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scene1.swf"); 
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); 
myLoader.x = 120 ;myLoader.y= 60 ; 
myLoader.load(urlReq); // passed to the ldr 
try { removeChildAt(4); }//One bigger than the number of forms, starts from 0 
catch (e:Error) { } 

addChild(myLoader);// display object container 
This code makes the film play when I press the button on my films form.
C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
This development will fit into the brief because it includes videos which were required in the brief. In this development to my IMP I was mainly working towards part D which was to have an IMP with video clips.Specify how and which part of the brief you were working towards/met. 
D. Skills table reference number 


Adding sound to IMP 30/09/2013

A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date – Adding sound to IMP
B. Development work
 First I had to find the sound effect that I wanted to play throughout my IMP then once I found that I put it into the folder that had all of my IMP files, once it was in there I went to flash and added this code to my coding tab "var channel:SoundChannel
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("SubMenuMusic.mp3"));
channel = snd.play(1000,3);//1000 ms after start of sound, 3 times"
once I added this I ran my IMP to see if the music played and it worked properly.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
This fits in with the brief because it will help to make my IMP more entertaining for the target audience. With this feature of the IMP I was trying to meet part H of the client brief which was to have a front end which consists of sound effects, by adding music to the IMP I met this part of the client brief.
D. Skills table reference number 

Monday, 8 July 2013

21/09/2013 Creating Scratch Game

. 21/09/2012 Creating Scratch Game 
B. Development work

First I found a picture that I would like to use for my scratch game, after this I opened up Adobe Flash and created an actionscript 3 document and I used the rectangle tool to fill up the project area and change the colour. I used the text tool to create a message on top of the rectangle saying " Have a scratch". I then locked layer one and created a new layer and then imported my image onto the layer and made it fit. I converted my image to a symbol and checked movie clip and gave it an instance name. I created a new layer called actions and added code to the first frame, after this I ran my scratch game to make sure it worked.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief – 
I made this for my IMP to keep the audience interested and entertained.
D. Skills table reference number 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Creating Drag & Drop and Quiz Games 25/06/2013

B. Development work
Drag & Drop Game
When I started this work I found a picture that was related to my IMP to use for my drag and drop game, once I did that i then opened the picture in Photoshop and cut it into four pieces and saved them all as separate .Jpg files.after this I went into flash and created an actionscript 3.0 project. I then imported all of four images and converted them to symbols, I gave all of my symbols appropriate names and also gave them instance names. I created a new layer on the timeline called actions and I added some code to the first frame. I then ran my drag and drop game and it worked.

Quiz Game
For the quiz game I opened up a template and changed the background and modified the code so that I had questions relevant to the theme of my IMP.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief –
I made a part of my IMP which would keep the user interested and entertained.
D. Skills table reference number

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Converting FLV to SWF

A.  20/06/2013 - Converting FLV to SWF 


B. Development work
First I opened Adobe Flash Proffesional CS6 and created an  Action Script 3.0 to create my SWF files. I imported one of my scenes from my scenes folder and chose a skin with button that would make it easy to view with handy controls, I then made it fit the dimentions of the project by using the free transform tool. I renamed the first layer to film and added a button to the layer by going on the window menu then common librarys and I selected a button. I changed the instance name of the button to btunloadfilm. I then added a new layer and named this layer code. I saved the project into the project folder so that i didn't get an error when doing the next step. I clicked on the actions tab of the first frame in the code layer and pasted in some code which would allow the button to work. After this I saved the project again then went into the publish settings unchecked HTML wrapper and published the scene.
C. How the development work will fit into the brief
This development will work to fit the brief as it will allow me to create the IMP for the target audience that consists of a front end with video clips. I have selected the E block to base my theme on. This fits into the brief because it allow me to create SWF files for my front end.
D. Skills table reference number 2,3,4,5

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

18/06/2013 Converting Files

A.  18/06/2013 converting film into different formats
 B. Development work
First made a folder for the full film and all of my separate clips in my home drvive and dragged the full clip into its correct folder, then I got the .MOD files for the seperate scenes I am going to be using and I dragged them into Adobe Media Encoder CS6. I then made sure that the right output location was selected for all of the files I was going to be converting. I then made sure that ther format was FLV because flash only works with FLV files. I then pressed start and all of the files were converted.
C. How the development work will fit into the brief
This development will wokr to fit the brief as it will allow me to create the IMP for the target audience that consists of a front end with video clips. I have selected the E block to base my theme on.

D. Skills table reference number1. 
A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date – i.e. 21/09/2012 converting film into different formats or adding buttons to Multimedia Interactive Product (IMP) etc.
B. Development work

. You need to explain what you did to your IMP in that particular lesson in detail (Step by Step).
C. How the development work will fit into the brief –

Specify how and which part of the brief you were working towards/met.
D. Skills table reference number